What is mean by “No checking Account”?

If you don’t have a checking account, you can still participate in the Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) by opening a basic savings bank deposit (BSBD) account. BSBD accounts are savings accounts that offer a limited range of services, such as deposit and withdrawal of money, and are designed for individuals who do not have access to a traditional checking account.

To participate in AEPS, you need to link your Aadhaar number to your BSBD account. This can be done at your bank branch by providing a copy of your Aadhaar card and filling out the necessary forms. Once your Aadhaar number is linked to your BSBD account, you can use AEPS services at authorized AEPS kiosks.

It is important to remember that having a BSBD account does not guarantee that you will be able to use AEPS services, as the availability of AEPS services may vary by region and by service provider. Before using AEPS, it is advisable to check with your bank or the UIDAI to ensure that AEPS services are available in your area and to confirm the procedures for using AEPS with a BSBD account.

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