How to cancel Jio recharge from Paytm?

How to cancel Jio recharge from Paytm?

If you are a Jio customer who has recharged their account through Paytm and for some reason, you need to cancel the recharge, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of canceling a Jio recharge from Paytm.

First, it is essential to know that canceling a recharge is only possible if the payment is still in the processing stage. If the payment has been successful and the recharge has been done, then you cannot cancel it. Therefore, it is crucial to act fast if you want to cancel a recharge.

Here are the steps to cancel Jio recharge from Paytm:

Step 1: Open the Paytm app on your phone and log in to your account.

Step 2: Click on the “Passbook” option on the app’s homepage.

Step 3: Select the “Jio Recharge” option from the list of transactions.

Step 4: Find the recharge that you want to cancel and click on it.

Step 5: If the payment is still in the processing stage, you will see an option to “Cancel” the recharge. Click on it.

Step 6: Confirm the cancellation by clicking on the “Yes” button.

Step 7: The amount paid for the recharge will be refunded to your Paytm wallet within a few minutes.

It is important to note that once the payment has been successful, it may take up to 7 working days for the amount to be refunded to your account. If you do not see the refund in your account within this time, then you should contact Paytm’s customer support.


Canceling a Jio recharge from Paytm is a simple process, but it is essential to act quickly to cancel it. If you miss the processing stage and the payment is successful, then you cannot cancel it. We hope that this guide has been helpful to you in canceling a Jio recharge from Paytm.

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